Research Question of this project:
"What unmet needs exist within the current financial services provision in Scotland and what could be done to make these services more accessible to a pluriversal and multicultural society?"

I also looked into numerous news articles and content provided by the banks such as HSBC and TSB regarding the current situation of the economy and the services provided. Insights and stories from the target audience itself at the community centres and recreational centres were quite inspiring and gave me deeper primary information.
Other media sources such as Ted Talks and shows about finances facilitate understanding of key concepts.
During my secondary research, I observed after 4-5 weeks that secondary research would be our majorly relied-on method to build our nexus in regard to all the systems. It was difficult to find people/professionals pertinent to women and aiding their finances; who were willing to take part in the interviews that we had prepared. We sent out multiple emails each day hoping for a positive response in hopes to validate or add to our design concepts/maps.
During my secondary research, I observed after 4-5 weeks that secondary research would be our majorly relied-on method to build our nexus in regard to all the systems. It was difficult to find people/professionals pertinent to women and aiding their finances; who were willing to take part in the interviews that we had prepared. We sent out multiple emails each day hoping for a positive response in hopes to validate or add to our design concepts/maps.

For Whom and Why? Co-Design Opportunity.
Many women in a state of distress approach humanitarian organizations for help. In response, these organizations often serve as agents to assist women in accessing financial services and implementing trauma-informed practices as first aid for the victim, or as referred to in the industry, "guest."

Interview Structures and Transparency:
The interview sessions ranged from lasting 30 minutes to one and a half hours. The average length of an interview is about 40 minutes. It all depended upon the consent of the participants and how much technicalities and depth they allowed me to go.
I shared the questions by email beforehand so they can prepare better- informed, concise answers and provide more follow-up sources to help solidify our information. Often this helps us persuade the interviewer to spare time and agree to participate as it will take less time if they know the questions beforehand. I shared my screen with the mind maps and miro board where they were able to read our summary overview, our journey maps and service design blueprints.

Proposal Statement:
"The Proposal aims to create a collaboration between nonprofit organizations and Banks to help vulnerable women, especially victims of abuse, have easier access to financial services in the UK".

How will the proposal work?

Comparison - What changed?